Bridge serves students in grades 9-12 who reside in Indiana and are struggling to be successful in the traditional school setting. We know that can take many forms, but our program works best for students with the challenges listed below.

As a public high school, there is
to participate in our program.
Unlike Other Online Schools
Independent and Flexible
Students have access to the curriculum 24/7 and work independently.
School Time on Your Time
Students can do assignments at any time of day or night.
We Make It Personal
The focus of Bridge is on meeting each individual student's needs.

Real Stories, Real Successes

Bridge is overseen by licensed, highly qualified teachers who monitor student progress on a daily basis. Our staff believes that through building relationships with students and providing encouragement, instruction, and accountability, all students can and will learn. Students have the ability to communicate with school staff throughout the day, evening, and weekend hours in order to receive the academic and emotional support needed to provide them with every opportunity to be successful. Teachers offer instruction and support through a variety of modalities such as emails, texts, video calls, and face-to-face.